Paris Portraits - Charlène & Fabien
When a man unabashedly kisses a woman while she's wearing bright red lipstick, you know you are in the presence of true love. And what more could you hope for with Paris as your background for portraits? Well, since you asked... When that man & woman show up in a dapper navy suit & fabulously sexy dress, set against the classic backdrop of the Louvre... then my friends, we've just hit the absolute trifecta of photo love in my book!2 people, totally in love and not afraid to show it, feeling their best all dressed up, and surrounded by an international setting just as romantic? Yes, yes and more YES! My photo brain nearly imploded spending time with Charlène & Fabien in Paris. The little bit of rain Mother Nature threw at us only added to the romance of the evening. They say "Paris is always a good idea" but I think that sentiment should be taken to the next level - "Paris Portraits are always a good idea!" Then again, I may be a little bias on that... (Click here to find out that story!)
Alors! C'est trés romantique!
One of my favorite little moments from the session is the photo below and I'm so excited Kevin was able to capture it even while carrying all our bags and spare umbrellas!
And of course, it wouldn't be a Paris Portrait session without a peak at Mr. Tour d'Eiffel! With the Eurocup in full swing (and France playing Iceland this very night), Pont de Alexandre III gave us just the right view while avoiding the thousands of fans preparing for the game under the tower.