This is NOT About the Pictures

Gasp!  Did I really just say that?  Yes, yes I did.  Why, you ask?  Because a couple of weeks ago I was personally reminded of where the power of photography truly lies.The power of photography is not in the pictures, it's in the time you spend together.  It's about inking in - not penciling in - but permanent marker-ing into your calendar quality time.  It's about leaving your phone and to-do list at home and letting the rest of the world go blurry.  It's remembering how it felt when he first held your hand, being reminded of how you fell in love, and getting lost in a hug.  It's knowing that you could be anywhere in the world right now, but exactly where you are is the best.When we take that kind of intentional time out for each other, the kind that changes the entire rest of your day or even your week, then and only then, can the images that happened to be the "reason" for that time mean something.  Then you'll be able to feel the crisp fall breeze on your face when you pass that portrait in the hall, even if all the hot water ran out in the shower before you got to the conditioner and the coffee maker is on the fritz, again.  Then, that album on the coffee table becomes a story book and trigger for memories sometimes lost in the shuffle of everyday life.  Then, what was simply a canvas over your couch becomes a time capsule back to a perfect moment.  A moment you can feel in your bones and a moment that can always continue to remind you of the perfect love that started the new, or not so new, life you find yourself in.


Ups and Downs and Loop-de-loops


Downtown Chicago Wedding - Margaret & Kyle