Did you know? Little Known Facts About RMP

Do you ever have one of those conversations where you talk about something you do that is a no-brainer for you, but the other person says, "OH! I didn't know that!" I find myself in that position fairly often, so today we are touching upon 3 little known facts, behind-the-scenes here at Rebecca Marie Photography.

Did you know that every time we process a credit card a donation to a non-profit is made?

The irony is that most small businesses prefer not to accept credit cards. There's some very valid reasons for that, but for me personally, we got a credit card specifically for our wedding. Not to spend a crazy amount outside of our budget, but instead, to take the most advantageous option in earning points towards a fabulous honeymoon trip! So with that in mind, I can't honestly not offer the same opportunity to my own couples! I always say, the easiest way to run any business is to simply decide what you would want for yourself and offer that. Thanks to the wonderful team over at the Merchant Giving Project, we are able to take what is normally a sore subject for small business owners and turn it into an awesome benefit. Every time we run a credit card, a percentage (depending on the card) is donating to Photoserve, that awesome non-profit we partnered with in 2016 to bring clean water to 70 rural homes in Fiji. See more photos from that trip here.

Learn More About Causes We Support

Did you know you can skip hours on Minted and let us help you find the perfect design for your photos specifically?

Minted is our go-to recommendation for Save the Dates if you aren't working with a custom designer (which we obviously recommend). It's a great 2nd option because they still partner with independent designers, so you are still supporting a small business while not totally splurging on Save the Dates. I actually stopped offering this design service for our couples because the process with Minted.com is so great. With one big exception. With sooooooo many options, it can get overwhelming quickly! Add to get your favorite engagement session photo to fit within your favorite design, and there goes your Sunday. Skip all of that hassle and head directly to our Minted Storefront! After your engagement session, we'll upload your favorite photos directly to your own client portal on Minted and you can check out some of our top design choices that pair beautifully with your photos. Check Save the Dates off the list and get back to enjoying that #SundayFunday!Hint: If we've already taken your engagement photos and you are still working on Save the Dates, simply send me over an email and we'll get you set up with this new, easy system!

Did you know you can find out what past couples and families are saying about us?

I was chatting with a soon-to-be-groom recently and he made a good point. He said that he ignores the testimonials on a company's own website because obviously they are only going to show you the "best of's." Instead, he digs into the internet to find out what other couples were saying about their experiences on platforms the company has no control over.  That's really smart (even though I love what our sweet couples and families have shared on our testimonials page!) So here you go! The places reviews are written about the RMP experience that we have zero control over:The Knot Facebook Google ReviewsWedding Wire

What else are you curious about? Send on over an email and we'll start writing version 2.0 for the blog!


Olive Park Engagement - Nicole & Matt


Continuing the Story: Family Photography