Dear Dad

This Father's Day is for the Dads who suffered through an N'Sync concert or two. To the one's who finished hanging 7 picture frames into a brick wall after you thought it would be so quick & easy (after all, you had it all planned out!). To the guys who learned how to braid hair & tie the perfect bow for your tap shoes. For the dad's who aren't afraid to cry in public when they see you in that perfect white dress. For the one's that struck the fear of God into those early boyfriends and allowed you to learn real quickly who was smart enough to go one-for-one with your crazy daughter wedding rebecca marie photographyDad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0007Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0006Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0004Today is for the Grandpas who taught you about wind chill by letting you stick your hand out of the sunroof in winter.  To the one's who let you help with chores even if it took twice as long and spilled half the corn. For the men that instilled a love for a baseball team even if they never won a World Series in their own lifetime (and they slept through most of the games you watched together). For the couch snorers, folk song singers and joke tellers.Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0009Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0008Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0011 Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0013 Today is for the uncles that don't mind the bruises from being a human jungle gym. To the guys who played that 4 hour card game with you even when it was the last thing on the planet they wanted to do. To the attention givers and kids table sitters.Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0005Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0010Dad-Daughter-Photography-Rebecca-Marie_0003For bear hugs & softball lessons, quality beer choices & a shoulder to lean on.Thanks Dad. Happy Father's Day!


Why I Engage


Women's Club of Evanston Wedding - Lindsey & Joe